love of my life

love of my life

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Great Day

October 2nd is a great day. Why? Because a year ago today, we "met" our snowflake babies for the first time. They were thawed and then transferred into my womb where they grew into the little people God intended for them to be. It is still so amazing every time I think about it. Elaina is lounging on my lap right now as I type. What a sweet gift to our family. We continue to have a growing relationship through email contact with the genetic family and hopefully someday we will meet them.

Two embryos transferred a year ago, two babies now living and thriving!!!

I wonder who is who in this picture:-)

On this special anniversary, I write what will most likely be my last blog entry. I feel like we are just a normal family now, growing, and learning together. Our journey through foster care and adoption, and then embryo adoption was something I wanted to share with others, to open people's hearts and minds to the idea and to share the amazing ways the Lord was working in our family. I also hope that through sharing our journey through infertility, we were an encouragement to others experiencing the same types of sorrows and struggles.

So, goodbye blogging world. It's been onto the crazy life of raising two sets of twins!