Some lyrics to a song by Jason Gray have been resonating with me the last couple of days. I leave you with the lyrics below, but first, let me tell you why the words have meant so much to me. Over the past month or so, I have begun to realize that one of the greatest sins in my life is fear. I've always been the worrying type, thinking of the worst case scenario when my thoughts start to get the best of me. However, I've never really been convicted of the sin in this until now. Through a women's Bible study I'm in I've realized my need to learn what it means to fear the Lord and nothing else. My most urgent prayer is to be released from the bondage of fear and worry. It is possible to live in freedom from those sins but I've never really believed that until now. Enjoy the lyrics- they are really powerful!
"No Thief Like Fear"
Fear will take the best of us
Then come back for the rest of us
Its raging hunger never satisfied
It’s closer than a brother
And more jealous than a lover
Who holds you while it swallows you alive
Let down your guard
And it will steal your heart
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I’ve tried to blame bureaucracy
The weak-knees of hypocrisy
And the cruel and shifting winds of circumstance
But I know insecurity
Is the worst of my own enemies
He sings his lonely song and I will dance
As he robs me blind
Right before my eyes
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Set me free, set me free
Oh my God set me free
From these chains holding me
Oh my God set me free
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
There’s no thief like fear, no
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
I am free, I am free
Oh my God has set me free
From these chains I am released
For my God has set me free
I am free, I am free
Oh my God has rescued me
From these chains I am released
For my God has set me free
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