love of my life

love of my life

Monday, October 1, 2012

Our newest great adventure

The time is drawing near for the adoption of the twins, and as we have anticipated that exciting day, we also anticipate losing a significant amount of income from the state because the girls will no longer be in the foster system. Several months ago, Shaun and I were considering our options for adding extra income and we quickly realized that we were sitting on a gold mine of great opportunity through the Shaklee products we have been using for over 5 years now.

We have absolutely loved Shaklee's natural products- we use their cleaning stuff, nutritional supplements, and a few of their beauty products because we know and trust the company as being the number one natural nutrition company in the US as well as having TONS of scientific research to back up all of their claims. We also have had great results. When we were first married, Shaun had some pretty bad allergies and acne. We got him on some nutritional products to begin building up him immune system and we began eating healthier. Through that first winter we were both healthier than we had been in a long time. Shaun no longer suffered such terrible allergies, his acne significantly improved, and he even stopped being allergic to our dog, Zorro over time. I was no longer plagued with monthly colds through the long winter.

Anyway, now that I've bragged about the great products (oh, did I mention they have THE BEST cleaning stuff I've ever used!) I want to let everyone out there know that we have decided to launch into our next great adventure as Shaklee Independent Distributors. We are really excited to start this business on the side as sort of a "tent building" business to help support the continued ministry work that we are doing at Eagle Lake Camp.

We have our own Shaklee website: were you can learn about the products, become a member, or just order products as a guest. We have a great passion to help people gain back their health through the use of these great products as well as through a healthier lifestyle.

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