love of my life

love of my life

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

3 days and 3 nights was enough!

 The Oceanside Pier where we strolled and ate dinner at the diner which is at the end of the pier

Shaun and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on June 16th. Since it always falls during Shaun's most busy time of the year it is hard to actually find time to celebrate. This year we actually didn't do anything in June to celebrate but decided to wait until a more opportune time (aka- less busy time) arose. We were fortunate to nab a great online deal for $50 for 2 nights in a hotel in various locations around the country.
At first I wanted to try Las Vegas because I have never been and because airline tickets from Denver to Vegas are cheap. I quickly changed my mind when a couple people assured me I would hate it there. Shaun and I are outdoors people who don't like crowds, don't really like visiting big cities, and would rather hike or drive around in God's beautiful creation than eat at fancy restaurants and sight see at various glitzy hotels/casinos.
So, needless to say, we chose Oceanside, CA instead. On the map it looked close enough to San Diego to be able to utilize a major airport, and it looked small enough to not give off the big city feel. We flew out Saturday morning and returned Monday afternoon. Shaun and I had a great time walking along the beach, sleeping in, soaking in the hot tub and eating out without two squirrely girls in tow, but I missed Katie and Addie so much more than I expected. As we left Denver International Airport, I started to feel more and more anxious as we crept closer and closer to picking up the girls. My mamma heart just wanted to hold them tight and make sure they knew I would never abandoned them.
The family who took care of the girls for the weekend said they did great but that they would sometimes walk around crying, calling out "Mommy". They said it was great to see the bond the twins have with us and how they never once became mommy or daddy to them.
It makes me incredibly grateful that these sweet girls who came to us as tiny little neglected babies, who couldn't even make eye contact because they were hardly ever held, nurtured, or loved in the first 4 months of their lives are now very bonded and attached to us. We are in the fullest extent of the words, Mommy and Daddy. The Lord has knit our family together and we are so thankful!
I was thankful for the break and a chance to enjoy being just a wife, rather than wife and mommy. However, I would say that until the girls are old enough to completely understand that we will be leaving but will be back in however many days, 3 days is quite long enough to be away!

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