In my previous posts I wrote about how I need to get my ovarian cysts drained before we can proceed with the embryo transfer in October. Well, in order to get my cysts drained I have to have one injection of a medication called Lupron Depot. This week was spent making multiple calls to a specialty pharmacy, my doctor, and my insurance trying to figure out the most cost effective way to pay for this medication. Never have I had to be on a medication that costs almost $900!
I was grateful for the fact that my doctor's office has been trying to save me as much money as possible, sending in an application to try an qualify me for a coupon that would save me $125. I figured it was the best we could do, and that we'd just have to bite the bullet and pay the $775. Then, yesterday a lady from my doctor's office called and said that she spoke with the Lupron Depot drug rep and that they might have a sample for me to use, which would mean that it would be free. I couldn't believe my ears, but I let her know how thankful I would be if that ended up being the case. She called back later that day to confirm that they did indeed get a sample!
A few days ago I was starting to stress over the medical costs we've started to incur, with notices starting to come in from our insurance company about how much we will owe for each appointment, test, etc. Then this amazing blessing happens and I find out we won't have to pay for the crazy expensive injection in a few days! It was like God was just reminding me that He sees me, knows me, and is providing our every need right now.