love of my life

love of my life

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Gift of Infertility

Our neighbors have friends who are really struggling with infertility. They have asked us if we would be willing to come over for dinner next week to meet this young couple and talk with them about our journey to hopefully provide some encouragement during this tough time. Shaun and I are privileged to be able to meet them, and although each person's journey is different, we have been through what they are going through, and can empathize and hopefully also bring hope to their weary souls.

As I've thought about what we might say to this couple, I began to reflect on all the ways the Lord has used this five year journey through infertility for His glory and to also be a help to others on the same path. I am humbled that even in many small ways we have been given the opportunity to speak about how God has performed great things in our lives through our brokenness.

First on the list is the opportunity we had to love and care for four boys in foster care for days or weeks when they most needed a safe and loving home. Our philosophy as foster parents was to hold nothing back from those kids, to love them with our whole hearts for as long as they were with us, and to deal with the pain of loss when it came, but not before then. We weren't always successful in doing that, but we did love those kids and would have kept any of them if given the chance. Now, I have the privilege of praying for them whenever they come to my mind.

One thing I have discovered about the world of infertility is that everyone has different levels of comfort when it comes to talking about their struggles. I have been very open about my personal journey and because of that, other women who aren't as open and who have no one to talk to about it, have confided in me about their deepest pain and fears. It is a beautiful thing when the Lord brings together two people who have the same struggles to help and encourage one another. Meeting and speaking with other women on a similar journey to my own is one of the greatest blessings of infertility to me.

This past Sunday I was asked to share briefly in church for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday about our journey through embryo adoption. Whenever I've been asked to share about this part of my story I always accept because I feel like it's the witness that Christ has given me about His goodness and faithfulness to us. I never want to let an opportunity pass to get the word out about adoption, foster care, embryo adoption, or infertility because all of those things can be so misunderstood. Last year I spoke at my MOPS group and now at church. It's always neat to see people's reactions to what the Lord has done and is doing through our family.

And last but not least, I have the unique story of adopting twins through foster care and now twins through embryo adoption! I wouldn't trade these four precious lives for my own biological children. When we began trying to have kids, God knew where He would lead us. He knew the pain and heartache we would experience when month after month we weren't pregnant, but He also knew the joy and blessings that were coming our way. I often think about that when I read blogs by women who are still in the thick of the pain and disappointment that a negative pregnancy test brings, or a failed embryo transfer, or a long wait on an adoption placement list. It can be so hard, but I truly believe that the Lord will bring good things to those women in His perfect timing.

I hope these examples do not come across as tooting my own horn in any way. I simply wanted to give God the glory for all He has done in my life over these years that at times felt so dark and hopeless. Now I can see the light and am just so thankful for His goodness and love.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Here are the names of our babies. If you don't like them, don't tell me:-)

Elaina: Shining Light
Margaret: My grandmother's name

Our prayer for this little girl comes from Matthew 5:16 in reference to the meaning of her name.

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Joel: YAHWEH is God
Robert: Shaun's middle name and also his grandfather's name

Our prayer for our only son comes from Psalm 86:11.

Teach me your way, O Lord,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart, 
that I may fear your name.

Monday, January 19, 2015

baby A is a GIRL and baby B is a........

even with two helpers we didn't get the candles blown out on the first try

I have had a fantastic birthday weekend (it's still the weekend for us because Shaun didn't have to work). I even got two delicious homemade birthday cakes! One made by my friend and one (seen above) was a carrot cake made by my mom. Thanks to everyone who made my 30th birthday memorable.

Now, onto the most memorable part! Our 18 week ultrasound was today and we found out most importantly that both babies are looking perfectly healthy. And, we found out the genders. It was pretty clear and easy to tell. Baby A is a very active little girl and Baby B is a very chill little boy!

We are thrilled and Shaun is relieved to have a son:-) We will settle on names soon and let you all know.

18 weeks today! Growing fast and feeling good.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Homemade whipped belly/body butter and other random pregnancy stuff

 I have had these raw cocoa butter wafers sitting around for quite a while so I decided to try and find a recipe I could use to help relieve the itching I am starting to feel on my growing belly (and I know the itching will only get worse!) as well as hopefully help diminish stretch marks if that's possible with twins!

I found a really simple recipe online for homemade whipped body butter using 3 ingredients that I had on hand:

1 cup cocoa butter wafers
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup olive oil

Basically I slowly melted the cocoa butter and coconut oil together on the stove then stirred in the olive oil. Then I put it in the refrigerator to cool for a couple of hours until it was starting to solidify. I whipped it for a minute or so and this is the result. I am very pleased with it and excited to have such a healthy thing to put on my skin every day.

In order to get 2 servings of fresh greens each day, which is always hard for me in the winter months, I have started having a green smoothie every day with the girls as our afternoon snack. It has been something I actually look forward to even though it makes me cold.

To make enough for the three of us here is what I use:

1 1/2 c. water
2 large scoops plain yogurt
2 scoops Shaklee vanilla protein
1 over ripe banana
3/4 c frozen fruit
2-3 large handfuls of spinach

So yummy and my 3 year olds love it too!

In other pregnancy news, I am definitely feeling like I have less room inside lately. I have to be sure to sit up straight otherwise it's more difficult to breath. I am pretty sure I am feeling the babies move, but since this is my first pregnancy it's hard to know for sure. I am excited to begin to feel more movements in the coming weeks. It will be especially fun once Shaun can begin to feel the babies because I know it will make them more real to him. 

I am feeling good about my diet and weight gain thus far. I have gained about 10 pounds and when we went out to a church function on Wednesday night I left the house in full maternity garb for the first time. I can't say I love how my maternity jeans fit but they are more comfortable now than any of my regular jeans! All in all I am enjoying the second trimester, which I am thankful for because it may be the only enjoyable trimester:-)

Next update will be Monday evening when we reveal the gender of each baby. Can't wait!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Sunday I turn the big 30. I know for some, this is a tough birthday. For me, I am just plain excited about my 30th year. Not only will we be adding 2 babies to our family but our best friends will be adopting 2 kids from foster care after waiting 2 years to do so. 2015 is shaping up to be a great year.

Five years ago this month we began trying to get pregnant. Each January I find myself reflecting on how God has moved in my life, my marriage, and our family to do His will. I am in awe of how He has built our family. I am in awe of the fact that our twin girls fit so perfectly into our family, from their physical characteristics, to their love of nature, to their active spirit. Having girls first has softened Shaun's heart in a unique way and I am just so thankful for my family. Now we get to anticipate the birth of these twins. I won't have to fear having them taken from me. This will be the first time, after knowing and loving 5 different children through foster care, that we won't have to fear them getting taken away from us. I am really looking forward to simply enjoying the infant stage without the extra emotional baggage the foster care brings!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Major misunderstanding

So, we thought today was the day we would be finding out gender for our twins. Shaun took off work to be there and we were so excited. But, there was a major misunderstanding because I thought ultrasounds were going to be every 3 weeks starting from my 12 week appointment. However, I was informed today that ultrasounds begin the every 3 week schedule at 18 weeks. So, no ultrasound today. Big bummer. But, good news, we only have 10 days to wait. January 19th will be the long diagnostic ultrasound and we will find out then.

We did hear the heart beats for each baby. Baby A was 155 and baby B was 159. My sister told me her boys were always in the 150's and her girls were always in the 160's. Think you can tell gender from baby heart rate? Did you have correct guesses based on that "science"? :-)