love of my life

love of my life

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Welcome third trimester

I have made it two thirds of the way. Time is flying by and I'm trying to remind myself that I need to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can each day. I am getting really excited to meet these babies! They are big enough now that I can pretty much always feel some body part or another poking me or pressing against the outside of my uterus. There are too many body parts to really distinguish what is what and who is who though. The past few days have also brought some painful jabs and kicks. Before this it was never painful or uncomfortable so they are obviously getting stronger:-)

On another note, I recently came across this blog post about embryo adoption: 

It answers some of the most common questions a Christian may have about this form of adoption. It has some excellent info that Shaun and I agree wholeheartedly with and it really speaks to the reasons why we chose embryo adoption as the way to build our family and why the author of the blog has chosen it too.

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