love of my life

love of my life

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Come on babies!

Everything looked great at my 31 week appointment yesterday. Everything except the fact that Elaina is still breech and Joel is still transverse. They are making what looks like a "T" in my belly with Joel lying on top of his sister like the top of the T. I have read encouraging stories online of twins turning at this late stage but it's not guaranteed. Come on babies!

Elaina measured 3 lb 9 oz and Joel is catching up to her at 3 lb 8 oz. My doctor is really pleased with everything so far. We went over our birth plan with her yesterday and can I just say that I love my OB! One of my points on there is that I strongly hope to avoid a C-section. She emphasized that she strongly hopes to avoid a C-section too. She had no issues with anything we desire which I am so happy and relieved about. It means she really does support a natural birth and will do everything she can to help make that happen. At this point, all our desires for a natural birth really do depend on the position the babies are in. We will be playing it by ear as the big day draws near. If they are both head down when I am in labor she will even allow a delivery in the normal room, rather than making me go to the OR for delivery. Twins is certainly a more complicated situation when it comes to labor and delivery but ultimately I wouldn't change it. Whatever it takes to get these babies and I through it safely is what I care the most about.

Now we are down to a few big milestones....
-32 weeks will mean that I can deliver at Memorial North rather than having to be transferred to Memorial Central
-34 weeks means that they won't need to use steroids on babies.
-37 weeks means full term and most likely no risk of spending any time in the NICU

Woohoo! Just writing all of that makes me realize how quickly these weeks are going to go

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