love of my life

love of my life

Monday, September 17, 2012

and it continues....

After a very long day in court today we left with no concrete answers because there was not time to finish all of the testimonies. The judge postponed the remainder of the hearing until Thursday morning saying that we will for sure be done by noon on Thursday.
The most remarkable thing about today was that Shaun and I were both covered in an amazing peace. A few people told me that they couldn't believe how calm and peaceful I seemed to be. After a very emotional and trying 14 months, it was truly a gift from the Lord to have that peace today. In fact, I have been experiencing that peace for the past several weeks and it has been such a blessing.
The hearing today left us mostly feeling encouraged although it was very difficult to sit there and listen to all the witnesses testifying. Our hearts feel a lot of sadness for the situation that the birthmom is in and although we do not believe the twins should ever go back to her because she is not in a healthy place, we feel a lot of compassion for her as a child of God. She is in a very dark place and has had an incredibly difficult life until now. It is sad to see how the patterns of her childhood are now being repeated in her life and the lives of her older children. We only hope and pray that the twins are saved from that cycle of destruction and are able to stay with us forever where they can learn about how much their Heavenly Father loves and cares for them and where we can continue to love, protect, and nurture them as they grow.


  1. continuing to pray... so thankful for the peace the father is giving you both!!!
