For close to five years now I have been one of those women who dreads baby showers, Facebook pregnancy announcements, and those month by month belly shots posted so innocently by moms to be. If you've struggled with infertility you know what I mean. I swore to myself long ago that if I ever became pregnant I would not be one of those people who shares every detail of my pregnancy online for all to see. I didn't want to cause pain to someone else who may be struggling daily for peace in the midst of infertility pain. My own journey definitely has made me sensitive to the struggle that other women face.
Now I find myself pregnant due to a miraculous course of events. No, I am not pregnant with my own biological children, but somehow that makes it even more miraculous! I rejoice in the two lives I am carrying and I have shared this journey through this blog and on my Facebook page. I have questioned whether or not I should continue sharing for the very reasons I just mentioned. I do not want to cause pain, but at the same time I know I personally found so much hope in hearing stories of women who had overcome their childlessness and were now rejoicing in motherhood, whether through adoption or their own biological children.
My hope in sharing my own journey is that I can give hope to women who feel hopeless right now. God has knit our family together in amazing ways through foster adoption of identical twins and now through embryo adoption of fraternal twins. I would never in my wildest dreams have ever imagined we would be the parents of two sets of adopted twins! I wonder how many other people in the world can say that? So, if you are reading this and wondering if you'll ever be a mom, I hope you can open yourself up to the story God wants to write. Don't give up hope and know that I haven't forgotten what those years of longing were like. I hope I am always mindful and sensitive to those still in the trenches of infertility. May the God of all peace and comfort give you rest and peace today.