love of my life

love of my life

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Contract is sent!

Two days ago we mailed in our adoption contract and largest adoption payment (more on the cost of embryo adoption in my next post). This means that everything will be official very soon and these 4 little embryo babies will be ours! It is exciting to think that we could only be several months away from actually being pregnant and I find myself wondering what the next year will hold. If everything goes as we hope then I could be pregnant at this time next year.

I am really trying to hold everything with an open hand at this point though because I know nothing is guaranteed. I have been reading many blogs about embryo adoption and the vast majority of couples have had success with getting pregnant and having healthy babies but there are a couple that have gone through the process and were never blessed with a baby. I am thankful that we are already parents so we are not putting our hopes of ever being parents into this endeavor, but I really do hope and pray that the Lord allows at least one of these four embryo babies to survive. We trust in His plan for our family and know He will bring the children He wants to us at the right time. If we give this embryo adoption thing a try and don't end up having a full term pregnancy and birth of a child, then at least we tried and we can close this chapter of our infertility journey knowing that birthing a child is maybe just not in the plan for us. I am excited to try! I feel like we are more likely now than ever to actually have this dream happen, so it's a joyful time of anticipation.

In the next several weeks we will be working with the fertility clinic in Michigan to schedule my initial appointment as well as plan out when we will actually do the transfer and what medical steps will need to be taken care of before that can happen. It will definitely be a learning experience because we haven't ever worked with a fertility clinic before now.

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