love of my life

love of my life

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Is Embryo Adoption Immoral?

Even before Shaun and I knew we would deal with infertility and before I was even married, I already knew I would never try in-vitro-fertilization as a means of building my family. The idea of creating multiple embryos and then potentially never being able to give birth to them all didn't sit well with me. So, when we began considering embryo adoption, which seems very similar to IVF in many ways, I had to wrestle with the morality of reproductive technology again. I came across an article that addressed my main questions and I want to share it with you today.

By Russell Moore

I received an email from a man who was upset about a couple in his extended family who are pursuing a so-called "snowflake adoption," the adoption of a "frozen embryo" (to use, for clarity's purpose only, the satanically clinical lingo of the current era). This couple had been led to do this after reading Adopted for Life, so he wanted to correspond.
How, he wondered, could I support this kind of adoption when I am opposed (and I am, strongly) to in vitro fertilization (IVF), donor assisted reproduction, and other technologies that violate the one-flesh union and the relationship between love and procreation.The same thing, he argued, is going on here with a donor embryo being implanted in an adopting mother's womb.
First of all, there is no such thing as a "donor embryo."
Someone can donate sperm or ovum or even a heart or a liver, but no one can "donate" an "embryo." No one can "own" an "embryo." An "embryo" isn't a thing; he or she is a "who." Our Lord Jesus is the pinnacle of the image of God (Heb. 1:1-3). He was an "embryo" (Luke 1:42-43). The "embryonic" John responded to our Lord's "embryonic" presence in precisely the same way he responded to his adult presence on the banks of the Jordan River.
These so-called "snowflakes" are brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus are stored in cryogenic containers in fertility clinics as the "extras" of IVF projects. They already exist, and the already exist as persons created in the image of God.
And there are Christians called to adopt them, to bring them to birth through pregnancy, and to raise them in love. To be sure, the numbers of children who can be adopted in this way are a microscopic percentage of the whole. And the numbers even of those who can be safely brought to birth is even smaller.
Isn't this simply an embrace of the kind of "Brave New World" Frankenstein technology we elsewhere lament?
Adopting parents are not complicit in the "production" (I shudder to type such a horrible word in reference to a human creature) of these children. Again, the children are already conceived. The adopting parents are no more endorsing the technologies involved than parents adopting from an unwed mother are endorsing fornication or adultery.
Embryo adoption also doesn't carry with it the violence to the one-flesh union that comes with surrogacy or sperm donation, in which one spouse's genetic marterial is joined with a stranger's.
Embryo adoption would be problematic if the adoptions themselves became a further commodity in the buying and selling transactions of the reproductive technology business or if these adoptions were a widespread incentive for couples to justify the decision to "create" and freeze additional embryos. This is not, though, presently the case and doesn't appear to be likely to become so anytime soon.

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