The past couple of days have been longer than the first 10 all together but I survived the dreaded 2 week wait. Although in my case it was actually 12 days. I also resisted the temptation to pee on a stick! But, alas, I finally got the results we've been waiting for and I AM OFFICIALLY PREGNANT! I honestly never thought I'd say that until the idea of embryo adoption because a reality about 6 months ago. Then there was hope again.
The numbers looked great today, exactly where they should be for 4 weeks pregnant. Now I will have another blood draw on Friday and another next Tuesday because I guess sometime the first reading can be good and then the embryos could stop growing and numbers could drop down again. But, we are not expecting that and we remain positive and expectant of wonderful blessings for our family with the knowledge that there is life within me. We have crossed this first hurdle and it feels great!
So happy for you and your family!!!