love of my life

love of my life

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12 weeks

Yesterday was my 12 week appointment and ultrasound. I was just a little bit nervous that the ultrasound would reveal some sort of bad news, which I think is probably a normal feeling leading up to these sorts of things. My friend came with me for moral support because Shaun wasn't able to make it due to work.

I also had a tiny fear that there would be three babies in there. When I got my first ultrasound with the midwife, she stopped looking around for any more babies after she found the second one, so I just wasn't completely convinced there weren't triplets!

Good news, there are only two very healthy, very active babies growing safe in my womb. May I present Baby A:

and Baby B:

and here they are together striking the exact same pose (right arm up in the air by their heads):

It was pretty incredible to watch them moving so much on the screen, raising their arms, kicking their legs, and realize that they are doing all of that inside of me and yet it is almost impossible to tell I am pregnant at this point since I am barely showing and I don't feel any movement. 

I am excited for the changes that will begin to take place over the next couple of months, feeling movement, finding out gender on January 9th, and beginning to actually look pregnant so it will seem more real.

I also loved my obstetrician. Yesterday was the first time I had met her and she answered all of my questions how I was hoping she would. She is all for doing a natural vaginal delivery of these babies if everything is looking good and babies are in a good position. She won't induce me at any point before 40 weeks if there is not a good reason to do so, and in general she has a low c-section rate because she believes in vaginal deliveries. Now, I realize that because I am carrying twins I will be holding all of my hopes for a natural birth experience with an open hand. The most important thing is to get these babies into the world safely. It was good to see that so far they are both doing splendidly. There are absolutely no concerns so we can go into this Christmas season with joyful anticipation.

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