34 weeks today, yippee! It's an important milestone for twins and I am so relieved to have made it this far with very few problems. I feel like I've had a pretty easy twin pregnancy up to this point and I hope that continues until these babies are born. My least favorite pregnancy symptom right now is lots of swelling in my ankles and feet. It has really gotten worse this past week, but I guess that's normal right?
Today at the doctor Elaina weighed in at 5 lb 0 oz and Joel at 5 lb 4 oz. He's been behind his sister the entire time but must have just gone through a growth spurt. I was really surprised at how big they are and was expecting their weights to be closer to 4.5 lbs each. It's good to know they are healthy and big!
Sadly, they are still in the same breech/transverse position and seem very content to stay there. My doctor talked for the first time about scheduling a c-section since they most likely won't be moving to a head down position in the next 4 weeks. I have accepted that fact and feel good about it because I prayed every day for months for them to be head down. I trust the Lord and His full knowledge of these babies and what is best.
We don't have anything scheduled yet, but somewhere around 38 weeks I will most likely be having these babies. Things are going so well with healthy babies and healthy mama that my doctor commented today that she predicts they won't be making their entrance into the world until we force them out. So, the week of June 8th sometime we will probably be meeting our little ones. FOUR MORE WEEKS!
34 weeks and feeling good
34 wks is amazing!!!!! so proud of you momma!!!