love of my life

love of my life

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I might have preeclampsia

Over the past few weeks my blood pressure has been rising at each appointment. Then seemingly overnight my feet swelled up and the swelling hasn't really gone away. I also gained 5 pounds in one week from weeks 33-34. None of that was worrying my doctor until yesterday at my 35 week appointment.

This past week I started having mild headaches off and on throughout the day and yesterday my blood pressure was 140/100. My doctor ordered some blood work and today some of the results came back elevated. So, now I get to do a 24 hour urine collection to check for protein in my urine. If those results come back elevated then we will be having these babies soon, possibly as soon as Friday!

Yesterday I signed the paperwork for a scheduled c-section on June 8th but now it seems we might have May babies. Honestly, with all of my symptoms, I would be really surprised if I DON'T have protein in my urine. Time will tell, and until then, we would appreciate your prayers for continued safety for babies and myself. We want what is best and if that means Joel and Elaina being born at 35 1/2 weeks then that's what we will do.


  1. Praying! I was literally praying for you all just minutes before I saw this. Someone at FEFC spoke about Eagle Lake Camps on Sunday and I had written myself a note about it on the bulleton that I just pulled out of my purse. Which made me think of you all.

  2. Praying, praying, praying!! So glad that these babies are as healthy and big as they are at this point and praying for continued safety for you and them and for peace over whatever results come.

  3. LaRae, can I just tell you how amazing you are being in this whole entire pregnancy??!!! You are not having your "ideal" in some different ways and yet you are joyful, content and thankful. God is shining brightly through you!! I will be praying (have already begun in fact) and I so hope I can pray over you in person on Thursday but if not then that will be fine too. My friend, God is ALL over this!!! love, Kelly

  4. Praying for you two! You have become such an encouragement with the faith and joy you've shown throughout this entire process! Love you guys!

  5. Praying! I was wondering since you were talking about swelling a lot. I did the 24 hour test with Jay. Peeing in a jug yay! Don't be surprised if in the same call they tell you your results and say "come on in!" 35.5 weeks is AMAZING!
