Elaina weighed 4 lb 8 oz and Joel weighed 4 lb 6 oz. She was also 3/4 inch taller than him which probably accounts for those 2 extra ounces. They were taken right to the NICU for the mandatory 12 hour watch required for all babies born before 37 weeks. At first it seemed like they were doing really well, and after 24 hours were allowed to room in with me. Shaun and I had the privilege of being their primary caretakers for 2 full days before our tiny babies just couldn't do it all on their own anymore. Their temperatures were not staying stable, they weren't eating enough, Joel had unstable blood sugars, and Elaina needed oxygen. All of these things are very normal for babies born at 35 weeks, but when it is your own children struggling it is tough.
So, back to the NICU they went on Sunday morning. I was an emotional wreck, crying every 5 minutes, feeling guilty for not keeping my babies safe inside me for a bit longer, desperately wanting a "normal" birth and postpartum experience, but knowing that going back to the NICU was definitely the best thing for E and J until they were stronger. Feeding tubes were put in place for both of them, they were put under heat, and Elaina was put on oxygen.
The past 6 days have been busy as I was discharged on Monday and we are back and forth to the NICU twice a day. Thankfully, both kiddos have been making great progess. It looks like Elaina may be discharged on Sunday and Joel will probably be a couple more days because he isn't eating as well as she is. I really don't like the thought of them coming home at different times, but there isn't much I can do about that except pray.
I will post pictures later as uploading isn't working at the moment.
Praying for you often!! You are one strong momma!!
ReplyDeleteLarae, Thank you for taking the time to update us. Have been praying and wondering what the latest developments have been. It's great to know more specifically to what to be praying for.