love of my life

love of my life

Monday, August 22, 2011

Goodbye Summer 2011

Well, our 2011 camp season has officially ended. That means we get a couple of weeks to rest and recuperate and we also get to settle back into our Colorado Springs home. Overall, it was a great summer. We were blessed with a wonderful staff of 14 college students and we didn't have to deal with any big emergencies. Lots of kids came to know the Lord for the first time this summer, and we continue to feel very blessed to be part of such an impactful ministry.

Now that we are home again, things will be getting back to a normal routine around here. Since I'm a person who enjoys routine, I am looking forward to a more calm pace. Shaun gets to enjoy a week off over the next several days and then we are headed to Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park for our annual National Park vacation. I've checked the weather and it looks like we will have highs in the 60's and lows in the 30's next week. That is a nice change from our trip last summer to the Grand Canyon when we sweltered in 105 degree heat! Shaun has never experienced the beauty of the Teton's or Yellowstone so I am really excited to share this experience with him. I will be sure to post pictures of our trip when we return home.

The only hard part about taking this trip is that the twins will not be able to join us, so they will be going to stay with another foster family for the week. I am not looking forward to leaving them behind, but I also know that the trip will be a good chance for Shaun and I to connect after a long and busy summer and especially now that my time is so consumed by caring for the girls everyday. I pray that we will truly be blessed by eachother's company as well as God's magnificent creation!